Reward, Retain & ReEngage

Getting App users is expensive as you keep loosing them daily, as loyalty is limited, so no Retention. 1) We increase the value of your Loyalty by 10X. 2) Make it acceptable at over 30K stores pan India. 3) We show offers relevant to the users Location. Your customer can now use your loyalty currency to pay for anything & everything, Pan India across stores & restaurants. Get our Media kit
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Increase Loyalty value by 10X

Customer Shops for 1000, you give 50 back & we will give 950 more. We add value to your loyalty today.
Customer loyalty

When you give Choice, you get, Customer Delight & Loyalty

Allow your customer to use your loyalty across the country in over 30,000 Outlets pan India.
Happy customers stay 2017 01

Location & Relevancy

See everything, but lets make it relevant for your customer with nearby offers & outlets.
Blr market scene

Retention = Revenue = Profits

If your Loyalty is better value for the customer than your competitor's, then you never loose customers

Why Us

The largest redemption store for your loyalty cash
  • + 14,000 Outlets
    Your Customer shops anywhere & uses our vouchers to pay, saves additional 10-20% over above all other ongoing deals.... Pan India
  • + 27,000 Eateries
    No reservation required, Your customer simply pays a bill at any partner Eatery, & gets 10-30% Instant Discount.... Pan India
  • + 450 Online Stores
    Your Customer shops any brand online, uses our vouchers to pay, saves additional 10-20% over above all other ongoing deals.
  • + 18% Conversion
    You give loyalty coins to your customer, now conversions reach a new level,
  • + 3X Revisits
    Every shopping bill gets you multiple revisits that would increase your revenues by a multiple.
  • + 32% Retention
    Watch that all important retention jump up to reduce your user acquisition cost, increase engagement & revenues.
Built on Unicorn Platform